Category Archives: Uncategorized

What a Difference Four Years Make

As the votes were being counted and the states called, I sat in the office of and–my head on a swivel–watched the TV, several blogs, and other internet sources. Between MSNBC, CNN, Marc Ambinder, FiveThirtyEight, and WaPo, there was a lot of information to process all at once. But the adrenaline and Red Bull made everything wistfully do-able. Even as we approached 11 o’clock, and the numbers looked promising, people were still on edge, unsure of the capabilities–however unscrupulous–of the GOP.

Riding the trend of this campaign season, I was sure that an Internet source would break the news. With my eyes darting back and forth between the TV and computer screen and my right hand impulsively, almost OCD-like, clicking ‘refresh,’ it was on CNN, Ambinder not far behind, that – first caught sight of the words “Obama” and “President.” This time though, they were not strung together with fleeting speculation. Rather, they were bonded in a demonstratively history-making declarative.

The office erupted in unison with the surrounding Dupont Circle neighborhood. And though we couldn’t hear it: that our applause and shouts exclaiming “We did it!” were in sync with cities the world over was tangibly felt.

Undoubtedly, though, the use of the Internet and new technologies has drastically contributed to thrusting this election front and center on the world’s stage. In just four short years, the successful coalescence of a dynamic leader, an inspiring vision, impassioned voters and donators was made more easily possible by the development of new media.

The President-Elect’s, his command of other social networks, text messages, and emails will forever change the way that political campaigns are run. In addition, many are eager to see if it changes the way that government is run too. But, Obama and his staff aren’t the only ones responsible. There was a huge opportunity in the second coming of the web industry and the catching on of millions of people across the world. Astutely, like everything else in the campaign, Obama and his team took advantage of it.

Henry Louis Gates and Tina Brown very eloquently discuss the intersection of prudence, charisma, perseverance (historic and present), technology, money and luck that created the perfect storm of a campaign.

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